| Hello people!As I said before,due to my college exams,this week i won't make the page 20,just in the next week.In compensation,I've done a few things to show for you: |
Lembram do post com o design de policiais furries do Takemoto?(esse aqui https://goo.gl/uvLZbB ) Pois é,decidi fazer o uniforme do Shinobi nesse estilo.Acho que vou depois refazer mais ajeitadinho. | Do you remember the post with a design of furry cops of Takemoto? (this https://goo.gl/uvLZbB).Yes, I decided to make a uniform of Shinobi in this style.Maybe I'll remake this later,improved. |
E esses dois vão dar trabalho pros heróis.E guardem essa imagem,ela é pista pra um episódio que vai vir por aí | And they will be a hard work that our heroes will have to deal.And remember this pic,it's a clue to a episode who's coming (not so) soon. |
E essa aqui é a Anne quando criança.Me inspirei nessa imagem https://goo.gl/schnfM ,da hq Aventura de Gally .Haverão episódios dedicados a focar o passado de cada personagem,para que vocês saibam um pouco mais sobre eles,pra entender melhor como agem. | And that's Anne when she was a child.I was inspirated by this picture https://goo.gl/schnfM , of Aventura de Gally .Soon will be episodes focused in the past of the characters,because I want you to know you more about them,to understand a litte more how they act. |
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